Two color printers (Tektronix Phaser 200i and Phaser IISD) and a gray scale printer (Hewlett-Packard) are available in the SCRC for use in conjunction with scientific software. These printers can only be accessed from the computers in the SCRC. The commands for printing PS files are as follows:
Phaser 200i: lp -dcolor ""
PhaserIISD: lp -ddyesub "" (note: prints cost about $5.00)
HP SiMX (600 dpi): lp ""
Printer configurations vary, depending on the type of printer and its connection to your computer(s). Many printers at NIH are accessed through the campus or local networks. Printers are configured at the Unix level, and require expertise in computer system administration to do so.
Once configured, printing is an easy procedure. Common Unix commands for printing PS files include: lp "" or lpr "", depending on how your computer is configured. If you have access to multiple printers, you may use commands like lp -d "printer name" "" to select a particular machine (e.g. lp -dmy_printer Type man lp or man lpr for further information about lp or lpr. You can also print directly from applications like showcase if your computer is configured to do so. You can transfer PS or EPS files to the Macintosh using a program like Fetch (a free program available on the DCRT PubNet server). PS or EPS files resident on a Macintosh can be input to a number of Macintosh graphics applications and printed from within those programs. PS files can be directly printed from the Macintosh using the LaserWriter Utility program available on the DCRT PubNet server ("Download PostScript File..." command of the "Utilities" menu).