Multimedia in Chemistry
- MATHMOL Quick Tour -K12
- Hyperactive Molecules (using Chemical MIME types)
- Chemistry Department, University of Heidelberg
- Chemistry Department, University of MISSOURI- ROLLA
- Chemistry Department University of Liverpool
- Chemistry Department, University of Minnesota
Here are links to some demonstrations done in (General Chem. II) in Quicktime movie format.
- Chemistry Department at Columbia
- Duke University Department of Chemistry
- Ohio State University
Animations and visualization done with the
Moviemol program by Lars Ojamäe
- University of Michigan
- Animations in colloidal science and
specifically lipid bilayer membranes
- University of Pennsylvania
- Changing States, Quantum and Classical Simulations of Molecular Aggregates Michael Klein, University of Pennsylvania
- Cornell Theory Center
- College of Chemistry at U.C. Berkeley
- Center of Scientific Computing (Filand) CSC
- Biocomputing Center at NASA
- Chemistry at Imperial College , England
- Virginia Tech
- Chemistry Cource-Hypermedia Project (Analytical,Organic,Physical)
- DNA: QuickTime (1.0M, 290x288 pixels), MPEG (852K) movies showing a rotating DNA. Original molecular images were generated with HyperChem for Windows and put together in Adobe Premiere. Created by Dr. Yue-Ling Wong.
- Protein: QuickTime (4.0M, 321x374 pixels), MPEG (1.7M). Ribbon representation of Phosphopyruvate dehydratase x-ray crystal structure from Brookhaven Protein Data Bank. Images were generated using MSI's Quanta 3.31. Movie was composed in Adobe Premiere 3.0. The QuickTime movie uses the animation codec and requires a data transfer rate of 260 K/sec or higher for smooth playback. Created by Dr. Yue-Ling Wong.
- Anaglyphic (red-blue) movie of HIV protease-inhibitor complex: QuickTime (326K, 350x232 pixels) , MPEG (126K) Note: You need a pair of red-blue glasses (red on the left-eye and blue on the right-eye) to view this stereo movie. It shows a rotating HIV protease-inhibitor complex in ribbon and sticks representations (x-ray crystallographic data from Brookhaven Protein Data Bank). Created by Dr. Yue-Ling Wong.
- Aspirin: QuickTime (813K, 320x240 pixels), MPEG (172K) movies showing aspirin in thin bond, ball and stick, liquorice, VDW and ray trace representations. Original 24-bit molecular images were generated with MSI's Quanta from the X-ray structure, and then put together in Adobe Premiere. Created by Dr. Yue-Ling Wong.
- Ethanol: QuickTime (342K, 320x240 pixels), MPEG (312K) movies showing ethanol in stick, dot surface, disc and shaded sphere representations. Original molecular images were generated with HyperChem for Windows and put together in Adobe Premiere. Created by Ching-Wan Yip.
- 3dxyslic: A QuickTime (279K, 320x240 pixels), MPEG (140K): movies showing slices through 3dxy orbital revealing the electron density.
- 3dxy: A QuickTime (117K, 320x240 pixels), MPEG (63K): movies showing a rotating 3dxy orbital.
- 3dzziso: A QuickTime (144K, 320x240 pixels) , MPEG (167K): movies showing isosurfaces of a 3dz2 orbital.
- 3py: A QuickTime (27K, 320x240 pixels), MPEG (54K): movies showing a rotating 3py orbital.
The electron density data were calculated based on hydrogenic wave functions using a Fortran program on a SUN workstation. The isosurface plots and data slice plots were generated in AVS using a SGI workstation. The images were then converted into QuickTime movies on a Macintosh computer.
Department of Physical Chemistry at the Technical University of Darmstadt
Hahnemann University School of Medicine US (Biochemistry)
- Klotho: Biochemical Compounds
Declarative Database
A huge selection of Biochemical compounds (the PDB database)
- University of Pittsburgh
- SWISS-Image. Collection of Macromolecule Images
- Visualization in chemistry
by the Department of Physical Chemistry at the University of Geneva
- Visualizations in chemistry at NCSA local index
- Duke University, Dep. of Chemistry
- Welcome to the World of Physical Chemistry at UCSD
Molecules R US
-- To search the PDB database.
Multimedia general Index