Guides to the Information Superhighway
Pedro's Research Tools (Pedro Coutinho, Iowa State Univ.).
Computational Chemistry List - Links to Other Sites (Ohio State Univ.).
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Chemistry (UCLA).
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Biosciences (Harvard Univ.).
Chemistry Page (EINET).
W3 Search Engines (Harvard Univ.).
Specific Web and Gopher Sites
The American Chemical Society Gopher.
The American Chemical Society WWW Server.
Chemical Applications of the World-Wide-Web System (Henry Rzepa, Imperial College).
Molecular Modeling
Biocomputing and Molecular Modeling (Univ. of Zurich).
The Computational Chemistry List (Ohio State Univ.).
Insight/Discover User Group.
Computational Chemistry Archive (Ohio State Univ.).
BioNet News: Molecular Modeling.
BioNet News: Crystallography.
Molecular Structure
The BioMolecular Engineering Research Center and Molecular Biology Computer Research Resource (Boston Univ.).
Birkbeck College Department of Crystallography Home Page.
Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology (CARB), including The Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database.
Cambridge Univ. Drug Design Group Home Page.
The Theoretical Biophysics Group Home Page (Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign).
Viral Structures (Institute for Molecular Virology, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison).
Electronic Journals
Protein Science (The Protein Society, Cambridge Univ. Press).
Collaborative Clickable Biology (Peter Murray-Rust, Glaxo).
The G Protein-coupled Receptor Database (Harvard Univ.).
Molecular Biology Databases (NIH).
Navigating Metabolic Pathways (Argonne National Laboratory).
NetBiochem (J. Baggott & S. Dennis, Univ. of Utah).
BioNet News: 7-Transmembrane Domain Proteins