
  1. Computers and Chemistry
  2. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
  3. Nature Structural Biology
  4. Protein Engineering
  5. Protein Science
  6. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics
  7. The Journal of Computational Chemistry
  8. The Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
  9. The Journal of Molecular Graphics


  1. Boyd, D.B. & K.B. Lipkowitz, Eds.
  2. Branden, C. & J. Tooze
  3. Bristol, J.A., Ed.
  4. Creighton, T.E.
  5. Dunn III, W.J., J.H. Block, & R.S. Pearlman, Eds.
  6. Fersht, A.
  7. Flannery, B.P., S.A. Teukolsky, & W.T. Vetterling
  8. Foresman, J.B. & A. Frisch
  9. Gribskov, M. & J. Devereux, Eds.
  10. Krogsgaard-larsen, P. & H. Bundgaard, Eds.
  11. Langone, J.J.
  12. Lowe, J.P.
  13. Mislow, K.
  14. Morrison, R.T. & R.N. Boyd
  15. Perutz, M.
  16. Rhodes, G.
  17. Szabo, A. & N. Ostlund
  18. Sarma, R.H., Ed.


  1. "QCPE Bulletin"
  2. "Protein Data Bank Quarterly Newsletter"


  1. Andres, P.R., D.J. Craik, & J.L. Martin
  2. Balaji, P.V., P.K. Qasba, & V.S.R. Rao
  3. Baldwin, J.M.
  4. Baldwin, J.M.
  5. Ballesteros, J.A. & H. Weinstein
  6. Biou, V., J.F. Gibrat, J.M. Levin, B. Robson, & J. Garnier
  7. Blaney, J.M. & J.S. Dixon
  8. Blin, N., L. Camoin, B. Maigret, & A.D. Strossberg
  9. Bohm, H., G. Klebe, T. Lorenz, T. Mietzner, & L. Siggel
  10. Bordo, D. & P. Argos
  11. Bordo, D. & P. Argos
  12. Bowie, J.U., R. Luthy, & D. Eisenberg
  13. Brennan, R.G. & B.W. Matthews
  14. Brooks, B.R., R.E. Bruccoleri, B.D. Olafson, D.J. States, S. Swaminathan, & M. Karplus
  15. Brooks, B.R. & M. Hodoscek
  16. Clark, M., R.D. Cramer III, & N. Van Opdenbosch
  17. Crippen, G.M.
  18. Dahl, S.G., O. Edvardsen, & I. Sylte
  19. De Vos, A.M., M. Ultsch, A.A. Kossiakoff
  20. Dhanaraj, V., et. al.
  21. Dohlman, H.G., J. Thorner, M.G. Caron, & R.J. Lefkowitz
  22. Donnelly, D., J.B.C. Findlay, & T. Blundell
  23. Donnelly, D., M.S. Johnson, T.L. Blundell, & J. Saunders
  24. Donnelly, D. & R.J. Cogdell
  25. Edvardsen, O., I. Sylte, & S.G. Dahl
  26. Fesik, S.W.
  27. Findlay, J. & E. Eliopoulos
  28. Fischer, D., R. Norel, H. Wolfson, & , R. Nussinov
  29. Frauenfelder, H., S.G. Sligar, & P.G. Wolynes
  30. Gray, T.M. & B.W. Matthews
  31. Henry, A.H., J.T. Pedersen, S.M.J. Searle, B. Guild, M. Roguska, & A.R. Rees
  32. Jarvis, J.A., S. Munro, & D.J. Craik
  33. Kasinos, N., G.A. Lilley, N. Subbarao, & I. Haneef
  34. Keepers, J.W., P.A. Kollman, P.K. Weiner, & T.L. James
  35. Klimkowski, V.J., L. Schafer, & J.N. Scarsdale
  36. Kuhl, F.S., G.M. Crippen, & D.K. Friesen
  37. Kuntz, I.D.
  38. Kuntz, I.D., E.C. Meng, & B.K. Shoichet
  39. Kuntz, I.D., J.M. Blaney, S.J. Oatley, R. Langridge, & T.E. Ferrin
  40. Laughton, C.A.
  41. Lee, C. & M. Levitt
  42. Lee, R.H.
  43. Lee, Y.S., R. Pearlstein, & P.F. Kador
  44. Lewis, R.A., D.C. Roe, C. Huang, T.E. Ferrin, R. Langridge, & I.D. Kuntz
  45. Lin, S.L., R. Nussinov, D. Fischer, & H.J. Wolfson
  46. Max, N.L., D. Malhotra, & A. Hopfinger
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  48. Merritt, E.A. & M.E.P. Murphy
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  50. Milne, G.W.A., M.C. Nicklaus, J.S. Driscoll, S. Wang, & D. Zaharevitz
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