- The Brookhaven Protein Databank (PDB)
- The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)
The Brookhaven Protein Databank (PDB)
This facility can be used to search or browse the PDB and view the three-dimensional structures of database entries.
Methods for Searching the PDB
- Molecules R US, which can also graphically display the results (an appropriate client-side viewer is required). User input to Molecules R US is done via a Mosaic FORM.
- The NRL_3D database provides a searchable link between PDB entries, PIR sequences, and literature references (Dan Jacobson, Johns Hopkins Univ.).
- The PDB at NIH can be searched via the NIH Gopher server.
- The ProLink database contains protein structure, sequence homolog, and functional pattern information (Kathleen Klose and Temple Smith, BioMolecular Engineering Research Center, Boston Univ.).
- The PDB at Brookhaven can be searched via the Brookhaven WWW server and Brookhaven Gopher server (current, preliminary, and on hold entries).
Methods for Browsing the PDB
- PDB At A Glance represents an attempt to classify the molecules available in the PDB to facilitate browsing. PDB At A Glance is interfaced to Molecules R US, enabling the three-dimensional structures of entries to be graphically displayed.
- SCOP (Alexey Murzin, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge) classifies the PDB by structure, and provides interfaces to Molecules R US, SwissProt 3D Image, and RasMol.
- "The Annotated Guide to the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank" (Laura Lynn Walsh, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois) is a list of PDB entries that have been classified by molecule name and species of origin.
- The PDB Select List (U. Hobohm & C. Sander, EMBL, Heidelberg) groups PDB entries by their level of sequence similarity.
- The Protein Science Kinemage Index (Protein Science, Cambridge Univ. Press) is a collection of PDB structures that can be viewed using the program Kinemage.
- PDB newsletters at Brookhaven.
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)
This facility can be used to search the CSD and view the three-dimensional structures of database entries. Information about the database is available via the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre's WWW server.
Searching via Small Molecules R US
The CSD at NIH can be searched using Small Molecules R US, but access is limited to NIH users. Small Molecules R US can be used to output "FDAT" files, to output and convert FDAT files to other commonly used formats, or to graphically display the structures of search results (an appropriate client-side viewer is required). A Mosaic FORM allows several kinds of search queries (e.g. by author, compound, entry date, etc.) to be constructed by the user.
Searching via Quest
Quest is a program developed by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) for searching the CSD. Quest can be used interactively (graphical or non-graphical interface) or in batch. The graphical interface is capable of drawing chemical structure diagrams and three-dimensional structures of search results. Quest provides additional searching capabilities above and beyond Small Molecules R US, and is preferable for expert users. Instructions for using and accessing Quest are provided elsewhere.