Gopher Menu

Academe This Week (from the Chronicle of Higher Education)
Academic Exchange Information Center - News Release
Acceptable and Unacceptable Uses of Net Resources (K12)
American Imperative: Higher Expectations for Higher Education (Brock)
Announcement of 1995 NEH Subsidized Summer Seminars for School Teachers
Answers to Commonly Asked Primary and Secondary School Internet User Questions
Apple Computer Higher Education gopher server
Armadillo, the Texas Studies Gopher
AskERIC - Educational Resources Information Center
AskERIC Electronic Library (Syracuse, NY)
AskERIC Electronic Library (including ERIC searches)
BBN's National School Network Testbed
BBN's National School Network Testbed (Cambridge, MA)
Bellevue Public Schools (WA)
Best of K-12 on the Internet (from TIES, Minn.)
Bloomfield Hills School District Model High School (MI)
Boulder Valley School District (CO)
Briarwood Educational Network K-12 Gopher
CAPPnet: California Academic Partnership Program
CAUSE (information technology in higher education)
CAUSE--Information Technology in Higher Education
CIBER Update Newsletter
California Department of Education
California Department of Education gopher server
Canada's SchoolNet
Catalyst (National Council on Community Svcs & Continuing Ed)
Center for Education, Rice University
Center for Talented Youth (CTY)-Johns Hopkins University
Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach CBCL)
Children Youth Family Education Research Network (CYFER-net)
Colleges of Education
Computers & Academic Freedom archives
Consortium for School Networking (CoSN)
Consortium for School Networking (CoSN)
Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) gopher (Washington, DC)
Consortium for School Networking News
Curriculum resources
Curriculum resources (from BBN)
Daily Report Card
Daily Report Card News Service
Deaf Education Information
Denver Public Schools Gopher (CO)
Distance Education Online Symposium News
EDUCOM Documentation
EDUCOM Documentation
EDUCOM Documentation
EDUCOM Documents and News
EDUCOM Gopher Server
EDUPAGE: back issues
EDUPAGE: current issue
EE-Link, the Environmental Education Gopher
EE-Link, the Environmental Education Gopher
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Digests
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Digests
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Digests
ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation
ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation
ERIC Database (1983 to current)
Ednet Educator's Guide to Email Lists
EduCom Review
EduPage Newsletter
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Education and Human Resources Reports (NSF)
Educational BBSs
Educational Uses of Industrial Technology News (EDUCOM)
Educom Gopher
Electronic Tools in an actual classroom (Sheldon Annis)
Empire Internet Schoolhouse (NY State)
Empire Internet Schoolhouse (from NYSERNet)
Federal Information Exchange
Federal Information Exchange (FEDIX)
Federal Information Exchange (FEDIX) Gopher
Food & Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS)
Free Education Mail Foundation (FrEdMail) (Bonita, CA)
GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association
Geometry Forum
Global School House
Gophers of Scholarly Societies (from Univ. of Waterloo)
Graduate Student Council
Graduate Student Newsletter
Hacienda La Puente Unified School District (CA)
IBM ACIS Higher Education Information Server - IKE
IRD1 - E-Mail Discussion Groups (LISTSERV groups) of Interest to Educators
IRD2 - Interactive Access (Telnet) Sites of Interest to Educators
IRD3 - File Archives (FTP Sites) of Interest to Educators
IRD4 - Ideas for Curricular Infusion of Telecomputing Tools and Resources
Indiana Department of Education's Gopher
Institute for the Learning Sciences (Northwestern University)
International Centre for Distance Learning
International Education Bulletin Board
International Email Classroom Connections
Journal of Distance Education & Communication
Journal of Extension
Journal of Statistics Education
Journal of Technology Education
K-12 on the Internet (from CICNet)
K-5 Educational Software Guide (Worthington, MD, PTA)
K12 Network: Global Education through Telecommunications by Janet Murray
K12net - the Worldwide Teacher/Student Network
K12net ECHOMAIL / Usenet overview
Kids-91 Newsletter
Kids-92 Newsletter
Kids-93 Newsletter
Kids-9x - stuff about a mailing list
Listservs in Academia
Listservs in CAI and Educational Technology
Listservs in Educational Research, Grants and Funding
Listservs in Higher, Adult, and Continuing Education
Listservs in K-12, Vocational, and Technical Education
Listservs in Miscellaneous Education, Alumni, and Student Groups
Listservs in Special Education and Related Areas
Listservs: What, Why, How
Literacy resources from CMU
Los Alamos High School (NM)
Los Alamos Middle School (NM)
MDEnet- Michigan Department of Education Gopher
Mathematics Archives
Mind Extension University Bulletin Board System
Minnesota Center for Arts Education (MN)
Minority Online Information Services
Mississippi Univ for Women (MS)
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
NASA, Ames Research Center, K-12 Gopher
NCES - National Center for Education Statistics
NEWTON (Argonne National Laboratory)
NPTN - National Public Telecommunications Network
NPTN - National Public Telecommunications Network
NREN - High-Performance Computing Act of 1991
National Center for Adult Literacy
National Center on Adult Literacy
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Gopher
National Education Bulletin Board System
National Education Bulletin Board System
New Horizons in Adult Education
New York State Education Department OTPAD
Newton (BBS for those teaching or studying math/science)
NonEuclid: Software for Exploring Non-Euclidean Geometry
Northwest Ohio Computer Assoc./OECN, K-12 Student Gopher
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
ORNL K-12 Educational Gopher
Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), US ED
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education gopher
Pathfinder on Political Correctness (ACRL, June 1993)
Poudre-R1 K12 School District (CO)
Princeton Regional School District (NJ)
Ralph Bunche School Gopher (an elementary school in NYC)
Regional Educational Laboratory Database
Research for Better Schools (RBS)
San Diego City Schools (CA)
Scholastic Internet Center
School of Engineering and Applied Science (Columbia University)
SchoolNet (Canadian educational network, in English and French)
Schools/districts on the Internet
Search the ERIC archives
Search the ERIC digests
Software and Aids for Teaching of Mathematics
StarkNet (Stark County School District, Canton, Ohio, USA)
TEACHER*PAGES: The Pennsylvania Department of Education
TIES: Technology & Info Education Services (MN)
Teacher Education Internet Server in Virginia
Teaching and Learning WG (from Coalition for Networked Information)
Texas Education Network (TENET)
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Info
The Hub (TERC)
U.S. Department of Education Gopher
University Newspapers
University newspapers and newsletters
University of Illinois-College of Education
University of Iowa Research in Progress Database
VocServe: National Center for Research in Vocational Education
Water Quality Educational Materials
Water Quality Educational Materials
West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing