Calvin College Chemistry Department

Welcome to the World Wide Web (WWW or W3) home page for the Chemistry Department at Calvin College .

Information about the Department of Chemistry

Chemistry Resources Available On This Server

Computers in Chemistry and Biochemistry is a January term course (offered in 1995) introducing various computer applications that are used in learning and doing chemistry. These include spreadsheets, TK Solver, Mathematica, Chem3D Plus, and Spartan. The course also focuses on chemistry applications on the Internet, especially via the World Wide Web (WWW). The course outline and many of the course materials are available on the Web.

With support from the National Science Foundation and under the direction of Roger DeKock, Calvin's computational chemist, we have developed materials suitable for introducing aspects of computational chemistry into the undergraduate chemistry curriculum.

Chemistry Resources on the Net

The Chemistry Department home page is maintained by Terry M. Gray

Last modified on January 9, 1995