Internet Chemistry Resources


Funded under the Teaching and Learning Technology Programme, BioNet is designed to allow computer-based teaching to move into the mainstream of teaching in biology and preclinical medicine. URL:

BioQUEST is a set of simulations and related material for biology instruction (genetics, biometrics, molecular biology, etc.). It's a cooperative effort of several academic institutions. Write to for information. An introduction to the project can be obtained with anonymous FTP from: /public/bioquest.

CAChe, CAChe Users Discussion List
The focus of the list is undergraduate teaching applications of the modeling tools from CAChe Scientific. Send a request to sub scribe to:, Send messages to:

Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) Manual

CHEMED-L, Chemistry Education Discussion List.
Send the message: subscribe chemed-l firstname lastname to: listserv@uwf.bitnet.

Chemistry at NISS.
NISS (National Information Services and Systems) provides infor mation services over the UK Joint Academic Network and acts as a focus for computer disseminated information for the academic community. Gopher to Port=71 and follow the path: NISS Bulletin Board Data > ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES > SUBJECTS A TO F > CHEMISTRY

Chemistry Textbooks in Print Archive.
gopher to and follow the path: Chemistry Depart ment Gopher > Chemistry Textbooks in Print. The archive covers chemistry textbooks from freshman level through graduate school. High school texts may be added later. Bibliographic information, price, and references to reviews are included, as are the ad dresses and telephone numbers of publishers.

ChemViz (Chemical Visualization Project)
Available via anonymous ftp to host ( at directory /Education/ChemViz
ChemViz is an NSF funded grant project to use high-powered com puting and communications to help high school students better visualize abstract concepts of chemistry. Images and animations of calculated atomic and molecular orbitals can be made on Macin toshes. Contact Todd Veltman ( for details.

CICOURSE, Chemical Information Courses on the Internet
CICOURSE was established in September 1994 by Gary Wiggins ( Its purpose is to provide a forum in which people can teach and learn about chemical information sources in all of their rich and varied forms. To subscribe, send the message: SUB CICOURSE yourfirstname yourlastname
Proposals for courses, workshops, etc. should be sent to the Listowner, Gary Wiggins at Course materials are available via gopher (URL gopher://

CIStudio: Chemical Information
CIStudio is a WWW-based course in Chemical Information, designed for Chemistry majors at Rensselaer. Developed by Joseph Warden ( and Colette Holmes ( the emphasis is on interactive learning using both print and electronic sources.

Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instructional Materials (CCIIM).
The CCIIM is jointly sponsored by the Special Libraries Associa tion Chemistry Division and the American Chemical Society Divi sion of Chemical Information. It includes items that have been developed by chemistry or science librarians, chemists, and others for instruction in the use of chemical information sources. Paper copies of most materials in the CCIIM are avail able for the cost of reproduction, but many of the titles are also available as ASCII or other files in the FTP archives of the Indiana University Center for Innovative Computer Applications ( or If using gopher, follow the path CICA Research Anonymous FTP Archives > chem. The complete list of holdings is found in the file:, where xxx represents the date of the latest version. The ASCII files are also accessible on the . Indiana University Chemistry Library Gopher (gopher by following the path: Subject Approach to IU Libraries and Internet Resources > Chemistry Library Gopher.

Computers in Teaching Initiative (CTI), Centre for Chemistry, University of Liverpool.
The Centre's Software Catalogue has over 400 items of software (for which independent reviews exist) for use in chemistry. URL:

Global Instructional Chemistry
This is Henry Rzepa's collection of "small 'stories' or case histories illustrating modern chemistry in action, liberally dosed with 'hyperactive' molecules which you will be able to rotate, measure, and generally play with." A number of courses relevant to chemistry from around the world are accessible from this site. URL:

Internet Resources for Mathematics and Science Education.
Version 1.2, October 19, 1993, Compiled by T. C. O'Haver. This is a very good compilation of resources in all areas of math and science education. FTP to and get the file math-science-edu in the directory: inforM/Computing_Resources/NetInfo/ReadingRoom/InternetResources

Journal of Chemical Education Gopher.
Point your gopher toward The site lists such things as the JCE: Software offerings.

Macintosh Chemistry Tutorials.
FTP to and go to /mac/misc/chemistry.

Molecular Models at Indigo
These are the "old-style" (not computerized) models. URL:

MOLEVUE, Molecular Computation and Visualization in Undergraduate Education. Send a request to join to:

NetBiochem is a prototype of a biochemistry education, research, and publication center on the Internet. It contains instruction- al material in selected biochemistry topics, as well as links to some of the important research and publication sites. URL:
It is mirrored at the University of Utah:

NIH Molecular Modeling Home Page
This includes the NIH Guide to Molecular Modeling and links to other guides and tutorials. URL: http://

Representation Models in Molecular Graphics.
URL: (French version)
A text on visualization and rendering techniques in chemistry.

Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP)
The SCOP database aims to provide a detailed, comprehensive description of the structural and evolutionary relationships between all proteins whose structures are known. URL:

UCAIR-lib, Undergraduate Cooperative Access to Information Re- sources
The UCAIR mailing list is a forum for discussion of the use of chemical information by students and faculty at the undergraduate level. To join, send the request to: with the message: SUBSCRIBE firstname lastname
Archives are available at: URL: gopher:// lists%5d

University of Leeds Biochemistry and Molecular Biology courseware

U.S. National Library of Medicine Educational Technology Branch.
URL: gopher:// /
The ETB conducts R & D in computer and multimedia technologies. There are texts of monographs on "Authoring Systems" and "Guide- lines for Designing Effective and Healthy Learning Environments for Interactive Technologies."

Virginia Tech Chemical Education Hypermedia
These hypermedia tutorials exist for analytical, organic, and physical chemistry, and more applications are under construction. URL:

WWW Viewer Test for Image (and Other) Formats (MIME test button)

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Comments or suggestions should be sent to Joseph Warden (

This page last modified on 20 February 1995.