This is a list of features that I would realy like to add to form-mail. If you add one of these, send mail to And keep a lookout on the CGI ftp site for new versions of form-mail! (1) Deal more gracefully with all-blank messages. We seem to get quite a lot of blank messages nowadays, and it would be nice to filter these out of the system, or perhaps to send them to a single person who takes care of configuration. The current version (1.3) takes care of this, although it only checks for truly blank messages. Future versions will consider "blank messages" to be "any message without non-whitespace characters." (Sorry for all of the double-negatives...) (2) Add a "Reply-to" field in the mail. Right now, if the Webmasters want to respond to mail sent via form-mail, they have to type in the Internet address manually. It would be really nice to stick in the address in a "Reply-to" field that would address this problem. Actually, the current version has this capability, but it's more of a hack than anything else. Thanks to Ernst Smith ( for realizing where you could insert headers when piping data to sendmail.