This file lists the things that you should check if your installation of form-mail doesn't quite work. If you come up with some more ideas, or if you are stuck and can't figure out what is wrong, please send me e-mail at - Is Perl on your system? - Does the first line of point to the location of Perl on your system? - Does your system choke on the -*-perl-*- text at the top of the script? (This is a nice extra for GNU Emacs users, but not necessary for things to work correctly.) - Is executable by all (chmod a+x (NCSA httpd produces an "error 403 -- forbidden" if it's not executable.) - Is in a script directory? (Use the ScriptAlias directive under NCSA httpd.) - Is $recipient in set correctly? - Is $mailprog in set correctly? - Have you somehow messed up with a Perl typo? Run the program from the command line (./ to see. (NCSA httpd produces an "error 500" when Perl programs die due to typos.) - Does comment-form.html point to the right program in its action= setting?