Getting to UnCover

To get to the CARL UnCover database users need access to a computer or terminal which is connected via AARNet to the Internet. You may then conduct a normal remote login session

The telnet address is:

Once connected, the system asks for the terminal type to be identified. Usually this will be,

5. VT100

This selection should work in most instances, however, if you suspect your terminal is not a VT100 terminal, you may have to seek further advice from your faculty technical supervisor or the Computer Centre.

The CARL System offers several databases for use:

To use UnCover select,

1. UnCover (Article Access and Delivery)

To use British Library Document Supply Centre database,

First select,

7. Other Information and Article Databases


42. British Library Document Supply Centre (Article Delivery)

To Exit from UnCover

When you are ready to finish your session with UnCover and exit from the system, simply type: