Meteorological magazine. 07145433 0026-1149 Meteorology and atmospheric physics. 14075380 0177-7971 Meteorology and hydrology. Meteorolog 1015-3640 Method & theory in the study of religi 20334559 Methodology and science. 02264088 0543-6095 Methods and findings in experimental a 05586831 0379-0355 Methods in cell biology. 01791819 0091-679X Methods in enzymology. 02239135 0076-6879 Methods in molecular and cellular biol 17898285 0898-7750 Methods of information in medicine. m 01643482 0026-1270 Methods. 20349833 1046-2023 Metrika. 01757217 0026-1335 Metro Denver. 06388906 Metro magazine. 12292871 0162-6221 Metroeconomica; rivista internazional 01749269 0026-1386 Metrologia. 01587275 0026-1394 Metron. 0026-1424 Metropolis. 07750778 0279-4977 Metropolitan Denver home builder 07890786 Metropolitan home. 07045895 0273-2858 Metropolitan universities. 20794069 1047-8485 Mexican studies = estudios mexicanos. 10485431 0742-9797 Mexico journal. 17724723 0001-0189 Michiana searcher. 08257473 0736-5004 Michigan Germanic studies. 01597960 0098-8030 Michigan Romance studies. 06395886 0270-3629 Michigan academician. 01278369 0026-2005 Michigan bar journal. microform 13273956 0164-3576 Michigan botanist. 0026-203X Michigan historical review. 13756240 0890-1686 Michigan history. 01757361 0026-2196 Michigan journal of international law. 19508503 1052-2867 Michigan law review. 01757366 0026-2234 Michigan mathematical journal. 01757373 0026-2285 Michigan quarterly review. 01757375 0026-2420 Microbial ecology. 02243116 0095-3628 Microbial pathogenesis. 11821118 0882-4010 Microbiologica. 04945105 0391-5352 Microbiological reviews. 03526643 0146-0749 Microbiology and immunology. 02972418 0038-9544 Microbiology. 02431086 0026-2617 Microbios. 01643638 0026-2633 Microchemical journal. 01757385 0026-265X Microcomputer applications : an offic 09121410 0820-0750 Microcomputers for information managem 10295058 0742-2342 Microcomputers in civil engineering. 12793015 0885-9507 Microelectronics and reliability 06936575 0026-2714 Microelectronics journal. 05877621 0026-2692 Microform review. 01757389 0002-6530 Microgravity quarterly : MGQ. 22454436 0958-5036 Microgravity science and technology. 21815003 0938-0108 Micromath : a journal of the Associat 14437719 0267-5501 Micron Micronesica. 0026-279X Micropaleontology. 01645558 0026-2803 Microprocessors and microsystems. 04332259 0141-9331 Microscope. 07599737 0026-282X Microscopy research and technique. 24807748 1059-910X Microsoft systems journal. 14109298 0889-9932 Microsurgery. 09530514 0738-1085 Microvascular research. 01608379 0026-2862 Microwave and optical technology lette 16520898 0895-2477 Microwave journal. 05108165 0192-6217 Microwave world. 06399014 0276-7961 Microwaves & RF. 09055160 0745-2993 Mid-America folklore. 05235296 0275-6013 Mid-American review of sociology. 02386091 0732-913X Mid-American review. 0747-8895 Mid-america; an historical review. 01757398 0026-2927 Mid-atlantic journal of business 07680643 0732-9334 Midcontinent oil and gas world. 0883-7325 Midcontinental journal of archaeology 02198049 0146-1109 Middle East international. 0047-7249 Middle East policy. 25216267 1061-1924 Middle east journal. 01607025 0026-3141 Middle east report. 17640394 0899-2851 Middle east review 01799461 0097-9791 Middle east studies association bullet 01645603 0026-3184 Middle eastern studies. 01644707 0026-3206 Middle school journal 01793788 0094-0771 Middle way : journal of the Buddh 01773983 0026-3214 Midstream. 01714718 0026-332X Midwest engineer. 01757432 0026-3370 Midwest historical and genealogical re 06430410 0271-8685 Midwest quarterly. 01757446 0026-3451 Midwest review. Second series. 05454649 0740-3208 Midwest studies in philosophy. 02489329 0363-6550 Midwestern archivist. 0363-888X Midwestern folklore. 16102373 0894-4059 Midwife, health visitor & community nu 01297604 0306-9699 Midwifery. 12918279 0266-6138 Mie medical journal. 01606498 0026-3532 Migration monitor. 0817-315X Migration world 14352974 0197-9175 Migukhak = American studies. Mikrochimica Acta. 01778788 0026-3672 Milbank quarterly. 13200708 0887-378X Military affairs. 01643391 0026-3931 Military chaplains' review. 0360-9693 Military collector & historian. 0026-3966 Military engineer. 01645645 0026-3982 Military history of the Southwest : M 17913112 0898-8064 Military history of the west. 1071-2011 Military history. 0889-7328 Military images. 18433936 1040-4961 Military intelligence. 03454871 0026-4024 Military law review. 01695128 0026-4040 Military medicine. 01641787 0026-4075 Military reunion newsletter. 23459686 Military review. 0026-4148 Millenium. 01794979 0305-8298 Millennium film journal. 03765443 Miller family newsletter. 15554374 0893-5076 Millimeter. 02254737 0164-9655 Milton quarterly. 01697097 0026-4326 Milton studies. 01757490 0076-8820 Milwaukee Bar Association gavel micro 25322950 Mimar. 08139833 0129-8372 Mime journal. 01915206 0145-787X Min kuo tang an 1000-4491 Min tsu yen chiu = Minzu yanjiu. Min tsu yu wen = Minzu yuwen 0257-5779 Minaret. 15080166 0892-0559 Mind & language. 13848820 0268-1064 Mind. 01594357 0026-4423 Mindanao journal. 0115-2742 Minds and machines. 23368454 0924-6495 Mine and quarry. 01645297 0369-1632 Mineral and electrolyte metabolism. 03687147 0378-0392 Mineral industry quarterly 06575462 0313-6086 Mineral resource report. 01951720 0160-824X Mineral resources. 02053627 0077-8737 Mineralia slovaca. 01793828 0369-2086 Mineralium deposita. 01639255 0026-4598 Mineralogical journal. 01715252 0544-2540 Mineralogical magazine 02363665 0026-461X Mineralogical record. 01757528 0026-4628 Mineralogical society of america short 02204674 Mineralogy and petrology. 15305407 0930-0708 Minerals & metallurgical processing. 10842473 0747-9182 Minerals today. 21099091 Minerva. 02225648 0026-4695 Mines magazine. 04590645 0096-4859 Mines today. 16913183 Ming studies. 02434815 0147-037X Mini-micro systems. 02709139 0364-9342 Mining claim : voice of the Wyomi 17646074 Mining engineer. 01757551 0026-5179 Mining engineering. 01757552 0026-5187 Mining magazine. 01757555 0308-6631 Mining review 0314-4607 Mining science & technology. 10187137 0167-9031 Mining survey. 01788586 0026-5268 Mining technology. 02246103 0026-5276 Minjok munhwa yon'gu. Minnesota archaeologist. 01645423 0026-5403 Minnesota genealogical journal. 10138012 0741-3599 Minnesota genealogist. 01758168 0581-0086 Minnesota history. 01758179 0026-5497 Minnesota journal of global trade. 27135365 Minnesota law review. 01758198 0026-5535 Minnesota medicine. 01758212 0026-556X Minnesota monthly. 02256805 0739-8700 Minnesota review. 01779874 0026-5667 Minnesota volunteer. 01608258 0196-593X Minority business today 11506947 Minority engineer. 08705081 0884-1829 Minority voices. 03263896 0148-1037 Minzokugaku Kenkyu. 0021-5023 Mirabella. 19822963 1044-5153 Mirror. 02277725 0544-4020 Miscellaneous publication - oklahoma a 0471-4091 Miscellaneous publications of the Ento 01328741 0071-0717 Miscellaneous publications of the Univ 01607508 0076-8405 Miscellaneous report - Geological Surv 01552912 0068-7642 Miscellaneous series - North Dakota Ge 01308266 0078-1576 Missiology. 0091-8296 Missionalia 0256-9507 Mississippi College law review. 04338905 0277-1152 Mississippi folklore register. 02438621 0026-6248 Mississippi law journal. 01588099 0026-6280 Mississippi lawyer microform 13238887 0462-8551 Mississippi outdoors. 17238359 0199-3240 Mississippi quarterly. 01758368 0026-637X Mississippi review. 02458266 0047-7559 Missouri State Genealogical Associatio 08147765 0747-5667 Missouri archaeological society quarte 10665327 0743-7641 Missouri archaeologist. 01758405 0076-9576 Missouri conservationist. 01758407 0026-6515 Missouri environmental law and policy 1072-7396 Missouri historical review ... 0026-6582 Missouri journal of research in music 02844806 0085-350X Missouri law review. 01758411 0026-6604 Missouri medicine. 01758413 0026-6620 Missouri review. 04225276 0191-1961 Missouri speleology. 02448677 0026-671X Mita shogaku kenkyu 0544-571X Mitteilungen aus dem mathematischen. s 01751217 0373-8221 Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen entom 01586648 0036-7575 Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Ins 01569388 0342-1201 Mizan : Indonesian forum for Islamic Mln. 01756365 0026-7910 Mnemosyne : bibliotheca classica bata 01189611 0026-7074 Mobile robots. 23887288 1018-9149 Mobility forum : the journal of t 26480994 0024-788X Modal analysis. 26834792 1066-0763 Model railroader. 01696545 0026-7341 Modeling, identification and control. 07957395 0332-7353 Modern Austrian literature. 01877535 0026-7503 Modern Chinese literature = Chung-kuo 11455288 8755-8963 Modern Greek studies yearbook. 12488176 0884-8432 Modern Judaism. 07316976 0276-1114 Modern age. 01758440 0026-7457 Modern asian studies. 01606245 0026-749X Modern aspects of electrochemistry. 0076-9924 Modern bride. 01758443 0026-7546 Modern casting. 06140445 0026-7562 Modern china. 01799219 0097-7004 Modern drama. 01716920 0026-7694 Modern drummer. 04660723 0194-4533 Modern fiction studies. 01645443 0026-7724 Modern geology. 01280911 0026-7775 Modern healthcare. 03346252 0160-7480 Modern horse breeding. 0747-1424 Modern international drama. 01758460 0026-7856 Modern language journal. 01642244 0026-7902 Modern language quarterly. 01758463 0026-7929 Modern language review. 01587205 0026-7937 Modern language studies. 03718093 0047-7729 Modern languages. 01758464 0026-7945 Modern law and society. 02311458 0026-7953 Modern law review. 01587508 0026-7961 Modern machine shop. 01758467 0026-8003 Modern materials handling. 01758470 0026-8038 Modern maturity. 01758471 0026-8046 Modern medicine :^bthe journal of clin 1030-3782 Modern medicine. 01044700 0026-8070 Modern metals. 01758473 0026-8127 Modern office technology. 10008833 0746-3839 Modern pathology. 15506806 0893-3952 Modern philology. 01758480 0026-8232 Modern photography. 01639391 0026-8240 Modern physics letters A. 13645127 0217-7323 Modern physics letters. B, Condensed 16698973 0217-9849 Modern plastics. 04696134 0026-8275 Modern power systems. 07102694 0260-7840 Modern psychoanalysis 0361-5227 Modern railroads. 08860685 0736-2064 Modern railroads. Short lines and reg 19292682 0736-2064 Modern schoolman. 01758490 0026-8402 Modern steel construction. 02251245 0026-8445 Modern theology. 11538889 0266-7177 Moderna sprak. 01758512 0026-8577 Mohawk. 10068336 0740-9699 Molecular & general genetics : MGG. 01758517 0026-8925 Molecular and biochemical parasitology 06293731 0166-6851 Molecular and cellular biochemistry. 01787431 0300-8177 Molecular and cellular biology. 06492263 0270-7306 Molecular and cellular endocrinology. 01144080 0303-7207 Molecular and cellular neurosciences. 19879705 1044-7431 Molecular and cellular probes. 14402545 0890-8508 Molecular and chemical neuropathology. 1044-7393 Molecular aspects of medicine. 01456613 0098-2997 Molecular biology 00819101 0026-8933 Molecular biology and evolution. 09364605 0737-4038 Molecular biology of the cell 24486692 1059-1524 Molecular biology reports. 01787363 0301-4851 Molecular biotherapy. 0952-8172 Molecular brain research. 13921174 0169-328X Molecular carcinogenesis. 18028363 0899-1987 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals 23197787 0140-6566 Molecular endocrinology. 13739260 0888-8809 Molecular immunology. 03979267 0161-5890 Molecular microbiology. 15473109 0265-1351 Molecular neurobiology. 15640289 0893-7648 Molecular pharmacology. 01680861 0026-895X Molecular phylogenetics and evolution. 23325059 1055-7903 Molecular physics. 01696284 0026-8976 Molecular plant-microbe interactions : 15732242 0894-0282 Molecular reproduction and development 18422591 0148-7280 Molecular simulation. 15239251 0892-7022 Moma. 01145859 0893-0279 Moment. 0099-0280 Momentum. 01758524 0026-914X Monash university law review. 02250467 0311-3140 Monatshefte fur chemie. 02362046 0026-9247 Monatshefte fur mathematik. 01589453 0026-9255 Monatshefte. 01758529 0026-9271 Money. 01588464 0149-4953 Mongolian studies. 0190-3667 Monist. 01758549 0026-9662 Monitor. 16847715 0895-8777 Monograph (Colorado Historical Society 18634164 1046-3100 Monographs of the society for research 01765889 0037-976X Montana agResearch. Montana business quarterly. 01758606 0026-9921 Montana law review. 01605472 0026-9972 Montana lawyer microform 13238965 0276-3788 Montana outdoors. 02250471 0027-0016 Montana, the magazine of western histo 02438980 0026-9891 Monterey review 13729143 0898-5332 Monthly bulletin Monthly bulletin (organization of arab 05766148 Monthly commentary on Indian economic 01758636 0027-030X Monthly film bulletin. 02594020 0027-0407 Monthly notes of the Astronomical Soci 01712338 0024-8266 Monthly notices of the royal astronomi 02450289 0035-8711 Monthly report - deutsche bundesbank. 01723718 0418-8292 Monthly review 01800623 0023-3889 Monthly review; an independent social 01758661 0027-0520 Monthly weather review. 01606604 Monumenta Nipponica. 01640509 0027-0741 Monumenta serica; journal of oriental 0254-9948 Moody Street irregulars. 04227833 0196-2604 Moraroji kenkyu. 0288-3465 Moravian music journal. 07360352 0278-0763 Moreana. 01644152 0047-8105 Morgan horse. 02256681 0027-1098 Morphologie et embryologie. Morpholog 01749727 Mortgage banking. 07639429 0027-1241 Mosaic 01758736 0027-1284 Mosaic. 01607246 0027-1276 Moscow University biological sciences 0096-3925 Moscow University chemistry bulletin. 02716932 0027-1314 Moscow University mathematics bulletin 01586983 0027-1322 Moscow University soil science bulleti 0147-6874 Moscow university mechanics bulletin. 02223115 0027-1330 Moscow university physics bulletin. 01642222 0027-1349 Mosquito borne diseases bulletin 0857-0817 Mosquito systematics. 01696783 0091-3669 Mother earth news. 01758761 0027-1535 Mother jones. 02379341 0362-8841 Mothering. 04093519 0733-3013 Motivation and emotion. 02861856 0146-7239 Motor boating & sailing. 01785756 0027-1799 Motor ship. 01589262 0027-2000 Motor trend. 01696683 0027-2094 Motor. 01758772 0027-1748 Motorcyclist. 04148629 0027-2205 Moultrie County heritage. 05773881 8756-0836 Mount Sinai journal of medicine, N 01758779 0027-2507 Mountain bike. 24238829 0897-5213 Mountain geologist. 03404575 0027-254X Mountain research and development. 07370570 0276-4741 Mountain, plain and garden : the maga 21426829 Mountain. 02845470 Mountaineer. 01696082 0027-2620 Movement disorders : official journal 12616375 0885-3185 Mp : materials performance. 18542454 0094-1492 Ms. 01285775 Mt 01756880 0025-5785 Mulga Research Centre journal. 0818-8238 Multicultural review. 24433867 1058-9236 Multinational business. 0300-9322 Multinational monitor. . 06018571 0197-4637 Multivariate behavioral research. 01292018 0027-3171 Multivariate experimental clinical res 03091847 0147-3964 Municipal & industrial water & polluti 13556334 0043-1117 Municipal engineer. 25920573 0965-0903 Municipal finance journal. 05987859 0199-6134 Municipal market developments. 04616663 Municipal review & AMA news. 07386722 0027-3562 Municipality 07428383 0027-3597 Musashino Bijutsu Daigaku kenkyu kiyo. Muscle & nerve 03526488 0148-639X Museum = Myujiamu. 0027-4003 Museum international. 27525955 0027-3996 Museum news. 01758869 0027-4089 Museum of the Fur Trade quarterly 01758873 0027-4135 Museum studies. 01554088 0069-3235 Museum. 0027-3996 Museums journal. 01606681 0027-416X Music & computer educator. 21393399 1050-0642 Music & letters. 01758884 0027-4224 Music & musicians. 08656175 0004-3001 Music analysis. 08889408 0262-5245 Music and musicians international. 16269441 0952-2697 Music educators journal. 01639434 0027-4321 Music in Poland. 11484022 0860-911X Music magazine. 03944165 0705-4009 Music news from prague. 02255809 0027-4410 Music perception. 08070327 0730-7829 Music review. 01758893 0027-4445 Music teacher. 07050241 0027-4461 Music theory spectrum. 05154569 0195-6167 Music therapy : the journal of the Am 08803871 0734-6875 Music therapy perspectives. 08777846 0734-6875 Music trades. 01640823 0027-4488 Musica disciplina. 05959556 0077-2461 Musical America. 15189010 0735-777X Musical Denmark. 04376610 0027-4585 Musical mainstream 03009857 0364-7501 Musical opinion. 01758905 0027-4623 Musical quarterly. 01642493 0027-4631 Musical times. 05472115 0027-4666 Musician. 08480685 0733-5253 Musick. 07295296 0226-8620 Musicology Australia. 12714872 0814-5857 Musk-ox. 01643318 0077-2542 Muslim world. 01758916 0027-4909 Mutagenesis. 12788607 0267-8357 Mutation research. 01590350 0027-5107 Mvang boran = Muang boran journal. 0125-426X Mycologia. 01640733 0027-5514 Mycological research : an internation 19073320 0953-7562 Mycologist. 15186143 0269-915X Mycopathologia. 01342728 0301-486X Mycoses. 17849088 0027-5557 Mycotaxon. 01798491 0093-4666 Mystics quarterly. 10361923 0742-5503 Mythlore. 02494503 0146-9339