CECAM rules


1. The Web page.
The workshop program for 2000 is now available on the Cecam web site at the URL CECAM-Workshops. A Web page is the best way to advertise and manage the workshop. Ideally, this page should be maintained by the organizers on some computer to which they have easy access. A link to this page will be established on our Web server. A template for the workshophome page is available on our server at the URL WWW or by clicking on the title of your workshop on the web page " Workshop 2000 ". Once a first version of your page is ready, please inform Emmanuelle Crespeau of its location, so that she can establish a link on our server.

2. Accomodations
Organizers are in charge of contacting and inviting people according to the proposal they submitted and following the eventual recommendations of the Scientific Council. Participants should be asked to make by their own their hotel reservation. Addresses and any other relevant information are given on the web site at the URL Hotels . In case of any problem (hotel booked up…), you can contact Emmanuelle who will help solving.

3. Budget
The Council has fixed a budget for your activity. This budget has to be spent following a few rules that exist here, some of those constraints coming from the French law concerning public money. These rules have changed in the last year, but we have made it so to make this transparent for you: the only difference with respect to the past is that participants will have to provide a COPY of their hotel bill to Emmanuelle Crespeau before leaving (or mail it). The rules are detailed below.

4. NSF
For young US participants, there has been an NSF grant permitting to cover travel and staying expenses. This grant has expired and a renewal has been submitted to NSF. It is still pending and you will be contacted as soon as we have good news.

5. Report
Following the workshop, organizers should produce a scientific report: aims, discussions, how the conclusions fit with the aims. A LaTeX template for such a report is available on our WWW server at URL  Reports.

We thank you for contributing to our scientific activities,
With our best wishes
Michel Mareschal
Emmanuelle Crespeau

Budget rules:

o CECAM allows up to 450 FRF per day for living expenses for each participants coming from any country other than France. This amount is reduced to 360 FRF per day for people accommodated at the ENS guest house ( in which case, the room, 160FF, is directly paid by CECAM and the 200 FRF should cover the meal expenses). Lunch can be taken at the ENS restaurant for 40 FRF. Participants are paid in cash (FRF) the day before the end of the workshop and will have to produce a COPY of their hotel invoice before they leave.

o CECAM allows up to 350 FRF for people affiliated to French public institutions (essentially Universities and CNRS) (227 FRF for
accommodation, 41 FRF for lunch, 82 FRF for dinner). This amount is reduced to 283 FRF for  people accommodated in the ENS guest house (the room, 160FF, is directly paid by CECAM and the 123 FRF should cover the meal expenses). They will be paid by bank wire after producing a copy of hotel invoice, " Ordre de mission sans frais " and " relevé d’identité bancaire ".

o CECAM partially covers travel expenses of people coming from outside Europe (USA, India, Israel, Japan, China, etc). Cecam's  contribution is limited to 2000 FRF maximum. The travel of the organizers can be fully reimbursed by CECAM if needed. As for the living expenses, the reimbursment is made by cash (FRF) by Emmanuelle, after she has collected tickets to copy them. Tickets are returned immediately.

Centre Europeen de Calcul Atomique et Moleculaire
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
46, Allee d'Italie
69007 Lyon

Tel: +33 (0) 4 72 72 86 37
Fax: +33 (0) 4 72 72 86 36
URL: www.cecam.fr