Techniques for the calculation of highly excited rovibrational bound, quasibound, and reactive L2 eigenstates

Joel M. Bowman, Sergei Skokov and Shengli Zou

Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation and Department of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA

I will review calculations we have performed on rovibrational states of HOCl using exact and adiabatic rotation methods, and using a highly accurate ab initio potential energy surface due to Kirk Peterson.  The striking dependence of experimentally observed resonances on the angular momentum will be also be rationalized, based on calculations of the resonances using the adiabatic rotation approximation.  Finally, reactive scattering using real L2 eigenfunctions, with damping, will also be reviewed for 3D D+H2 and other reactive systems.