A Distributed Parallel Computer

[Painting by David Rankine]

THE_ELEMENTS is a multiple computer for supporting the project on Classical and Quantum Mechanical Molecular Dynamics of TCCC. This distributed parallel system is an effort to create large computational power by accumulating low cost CPUs, memory and data storage using public domain software as far as possible. The current composition of The_Elements is eight dual Pentium II systems with cpus at 350 anf 450 MHz, total memory 5GBytes, total hard discs 57 GBytes and all these connected with a fast ethernet switch of 100 Mbits/s.

The system was developed by  Dr. Manolis Founargiotakis ( and is currently maintained by Manolis Giatromanolakis


 PHASE 1 (JULY 1998)  - Fire / Water /  Air / Earth

 PHASE 2 (APRIL 1999) - Hydrogen / Helium / Nitrogen(*) / Oxygen(*)




Person to contact: Prof. S. C. Farantos


The project was financed by the Ministry of Education within the program EPEAEK for postgraduate studies in Applied Molecular Spectroscopy.

The cost of The_Elements was :

Phase 1: ~7,000,000 Greek Drachmas (~$25000)

Phase 2: ~5,000,000 Greek Drachmas (~$17000)



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Last update: Thu Apr 29 19:34:19 EDT 1999