Burbanks*, S. Wiggins*, D. Farrelly+ T. Uzer&, J. Palacian§, P.Yanguas§, L. Wiesenfeld$ and C. Jaffe++
of Chemistry,
& Center for Nonlinear Science, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0430, U.S.A.
Departamento de Matematica e Informatica, Universidad Publica de Navarra, 31006-Pamplona,
$ ++ Department of Chemistry, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506, U.S.A
The notion of
a transition state is one of the grand unifying concepts in chemistry1. Many theories of chemical reactions
explicitly assume that once reactants pass through the transition state then
they cannot return2. This “no-recrossing rule” serves to define the
transition state and is a necessary assumption in transition state theory3
,4. Despite its ubiquity in chemistry it is only
recently, however, that the existence
of the transition state in more than two
degrees-of-freedom (dof) has been proved5. Furthermore no general
theory has existed for actually finding the transition state6. Here,
combining methods of celestial mechanics with recent advances in dynamical
systems theory,7 we provide a
theory which is rigorously valid in an arbitrary number of dof. Equally
important, advances in computational power make the method applicable in
practice for large systems. Knowledge of the transition state - a phase space
object - allows us to differentiate, with exquisite precision, between reactive
and nonreactive molecular configurations wherever they lie in phase space.