HOW to run MPI application with the MPICH library

To compile and link          {F77      | F90     | CC     }      programs calling MPI routines
use                                   {mpif77 | mpif90 | mpicc}      as the compiler.

They accept all options of {pgf77 | pgf90 | pgcc} in addition to a few others.
Check the respective man pages (man pgf90, man pgf77, ...).

Example : mpif77 -O2 -tp p6 test.f -o test

To run programs using MPI routines use mpirun. The necessary option is -np; it defines
the number of processes. For others consult the man pages.

Example :  mpirun -np 4 test

To view the man pages you can use mpiman.

NOTE : mpif90 has been modified to include the 'mpif.h' file and not a module (which
must be created, and, moreover, is not fully supported by MPI yet.)