Teaching by: Photis Dais and Apostolos Spyros


Basic principles of NMR Spectroscopy: Magnetic properties of nuclei, the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance, diamagnetic and paramagnetic nuclear shielding, chemical shift, spin-spin coupling, spin decoupling analysis of first order and second order spectra, nuclear magnetic relaxation.

Modern NMR Spectroscopy: Pulsed and Fourier transform NMR, one-dimensional pulse sequences (APT, INEPT, DEPT), the second dimension, basic two-dimensional sequences (COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, HMQC, HMBC).

Course duration: 4 hours per week

Total duration: 48 hours



The various experiments performed in the laboratory will help the students to comprehend the basic and advanced NMR principles and apply this knowledge to practical problems. In particular, the following experiments will be carried out:


1. Analysis of one-dimensional 1H and 13C spectra of glucopyranose in water and dimethylsulfoxide solutions (3 hours).

2. Structure determination of the disaccharide 1,6-anhydro-â-maltose hexaacetate by employing two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy (6 hours).

3. Dynamics of the starch component polysaccharide amylose in solution (9 hours).

4. Qualitative determination of mono-, di-, and trisaccharides in honey (3 hours).

5. Qualitative determination of saturated and unsaturated fats in olive oil (6 hours).

6. Detection of illegal enrichment in wine.

7. Detection of illegal enrichment in olive oil (6 hours).


Course duration: 6 hours per week